East Kingdom Metalsmiths' Guild
What is the Guild Up To?
Metalsmiths' Symposium 17 will be held
September 7th - 9th, 2018,
at "Feast of John Barleycorn"
in the Canton of Northpass (North Salem, NY).
Event announcement:
If you want more information about Metalsmiths' Symposium, please see the
Metalsmiths' Symposium page for everything you ever wanted to know about MSS
but were afraid to ask :-)
What are we?
The East Kingdom Metalsmiths' Guild is dedicated to
the study and teaching of all the metalsmithing arts and sciences,
including but not limited to:
blacksmithing, smelting, casting, working in various metals,
armouring, coining / minting, gem cutting, gem and stone lore,
jewelrymaking, glassblowing, glass lampworking (beads, etc.),
and the like.
What is our history?
The guild was founded as a local shire-level group
(called the Silver Rylle Metalsmiths' Guild)
in approximately Anno Societatis XXXIV (2000). Having gained
momentum and membership ever since then, it attracted attention from
people outside the shire, and when they joined the Guild, it could no
longer retain its provincial name. After a short stint as the
Southern Region Metalsmiths' Guild, it was finally renamed the
East Kingdom Metalsmiths' Guild, and its Royal Guild charter
was signed at Kingdom Twelfth Night, Jan 8th, A.S. XXXIX (2005).
How do I get involved?
If you wish to learn any of the arts and sciences
of metalsmithing, contact any guild member, who will connect you with
someone knowledgeable in the field you wish to learn; if you don't know
any guild members, feel free to contact the
who will be glad to introduce you.
Do I have to join the Guild to learn something?
Certainly not! The Guild has been charged by our
Charter to share their knowledge with any subject of the Kingdom who
approaches them and asks to be taught. You have no obligation to become
a guild member in order to be taught by one. Come along with us and have
How do I join the Guild?
Anyone who expresses a desire to join the ranks of the Guild
is certainly welcome to do so. Guild members are encouraged to
teach others, but it is not required that you excel in every subject. If
someone approaches you to learn something that you don't feel competent
to teach, you may instead refer them to another teacher or to the
Guildmistress. You may also choose to become an Associate Member,
stating that you wish to be affiliated with the Guild without claiming
an explicit Guild Membership if that wouldn't suit your persona or your
personality. In either case, contact the
Lady Irene von Lassan, and let her know you're interested in joining.
But I'm not a Laurel or a Maunche, can I still join?
Of course! You don't have to be any sort of expert to join
the Guild. If you know something, even at a basic level, you can teach it
to those who don't know it at all. And if you don't know something, you
can learn from those who do, and then turn around and teach it! It's not
knowledge itself we're looking for: it's the love of knowledge, and
the willingness to learn and to teach. Come join us!
How can I keep informed?
You might want to join the Guild's
mailing list.
Even if you're not a Guild member, feel free to join the list,
to find out what we're up to! To catch up with what we've already
been talking about, check out the
list archives.
What's this I hear about a metal charter?
What else would you make the charter out of for a guild
of metalworkers? The charter is done in repousse and enamel on brass.
If you want to see it, His Majesty has charged the Guildmistress with
displaying it at as many events as possible, so you may just come across
it at an event near you. If you don't get a chance to see the original,
a photograph of the charter, along with a transcription of the text,
can be found here.
Downloadable Guild Resources
There is now a Guild flyer available for you to hand out at events.
It looks a lot like this web page, and it is available for download
here. Have fun!
What's the Guild's shipping address?
Anything for the Guild can be shipped by way of the
Guildmistress, whose address can be found
This is the recognized web site for the
East Kingdom Metalsmiths' Guild
of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by
Lord Corwyn Ravenwing.
This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies
between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is
available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. For information
on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this web site, please contact the Webminister at
He will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights
of our contributors.
Copyright © 1999-2012
East Kingdom Metalsmiths' Guild of the SCA.
The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions
of this site.