Error: no event code passed. Please click here to return to the scheduler menu.

Error: no event named '$event' found in the database. Please contact the Webminister about this error.\n"; exit(0); } // endif rEvent $event_id = $rEvent['event_id']; $event_short = $rEvent['event_short']; $event_long = $rEvent['event_long']; $owner = $rEvent['owner']; $owner_email = $rEvent['owner_email']; $location = $rEvent['location']; $status = $rEvent['status']; $add_class_p = $rEvent['add_class_p']; $add_student_p = $rEvent['add_student_p']; $ek_eid = $rEvent['ek_eid']; if (! $add_class_p) { ?>

Sorry, the deadline has passed for creating classes on-line. You will need to sign up with the Class Coordinator when you arrive. See you there!

Thank you for contacting us.  The class was placed into the schedule.

We will try to keep in contact with you often, and if you think of something extra that we can do, don't hesitate to ask! The event staff is here to help! ;-) Schedule another class

EK Metalsmiths' Guild Scheduler: NEW CLASS

EK Metalsmiths' Guild Shield
This page is to allow people to sign up for teaching classes at a symposium or a schola. Questions, suggestions, or problems using this tool should be directed to the maintainer, Lord Corwyn Ravenwing, who can be reached at

I would like to teach the following class at .
